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Explore and read some articles about what it's really like attending a summer school


How to Keep Your Focus Throughout University

January 25, 2024

Click here to learn why maintaining focus is vital in university, the challenges you may face, and habits and skills you can develop to help yourself succeed!


Student Finance Tips

Take control of your money before it takes control of you. Click for this blog that will help you with planning & budgeting. Read our student finance tips here!


Is a Gap Year a Good Idea in 2024?

As a student fresh out of school, a graduate or anyone craving an immersive break from the daily grind, a gap year could be the perfect solution. Click to read!


How to Eliminate Distraction While Studying - Stay Focused and Boost Learning

Discover how to eliminate distractions for enhanced learning outcomes and learn how to avoid distractions while studying.


Embrace the Unknown: 9 key benefits to studying abroad.

Let us show you why you need to take the first step and study abroad for the summer. Travel to new countries and meet new people.


Personal Statement Writing Tips for University Students

February 26, 2024

There's one vital piece of your university application: your personal statement. Click here for personal statement writing tips that will help you get into uni!


Personal Statement Writing Tips: How to write a personal statement for University

January 25, 2024

Writing a personal statement can be daunting, but with the right tips & guidance, you can create a compelling & impactful piece. Click here to learn how!


Summer Schools In Cambridge - What You Need to Know

Cambridge Universities are some of the world's top education institutions; a diverse community of academics, researchers & entrepreneurs. Click to learn more!


Everything You Need to Bring to University: A Complete Guide of University Essentials

Click to read this comprehensive guide & complete university checklist, covering all the essentials you'll need as a university student.


Habits to Develop for Success in University

When it comes to succeeding in university, developing positive habits is absolutely crucial. Click to learn key habits that every university student needs!


When Are Cambridge University Interviews?

Undergraduate interview; vital in selecting who is offered a place in a Cambridge college. Learn everything about Cambridge interviews in this short guide.


How to Make Friends in University - A simple guide for new students

Friendships formed during uni have a lasting impact on personal & professional aspects of life; click here for practical tips on making friends in university.


Student Finance Tips: How To Manage Your Finances Effectively

Click to read this article, where we provide you with essential student finance tips & money advice, to help you effectively manage your finances while in uni!


When Do Cambridge Offers Come Out?

Undergraduate interview; vital in selecting who is offered a place in a Cambridge college. Learn everything about Cambridge interviews in this short guide.


How To Find The Best Cambridge College for Law

July 25, 2024

You get to choose between 29 undergraduate colleges at Cambridge University. So how do you find which is the best college for studying a law degree?


The Best Cambridge College for Engineering

You may be surprised when, as part of your application to the University of Cambridge, you're asked to select a specific college. How will this choice make a difference to your time at the university? Is this a decision that could make a significant difference to the outcome of your studies?


Find the Best Cambridge College for History

Click here for an understanding of how Cambridge University operates as one of the world's elite places of learning, and why it's somewhere you should study.


How to get into Cambridge University

It's not easy to win a place at Cambridge University but it's not impossible. Read our step-by-step guide on how to get into Cambridge University.


What is the best subject to study at Cambridge University?

If you are considering studying at Cambridge University but need advice on which subject is the best to study; look no further. Click for this informative blog.


Find the best Cambridge college for Medicine

What is the best Cambridge college to study medicine? Read this blog to find out!


9 Reasons to Study in Cambridge

Cambridge attracts students worldwide with its outstanding global reputation - click here to discover the top 10 reasons why you should study in Cambridge


Two-Year Degree courses: Unlocking Endless Opportunities

If you are considering higher education but unsure of where to start, read this blog! We explore the definition, importance & benefits of two-year degrees.


How Much Does it Cost to Study at Cambridge?

Knowing how much it costs to study at Cambridge helps you to understand the investment you’re looking to make; find out here.


What to Do After A-Levels: Making Informed Decisions for Your Future

After your A-Levels, choosing the right path can greatly impact your career & personal growth. Click here for advice on the paths you could take after A Levels.


How to Choose the Perfect University Course

Choosing the right university course is a crucial decision that will shape your future & perspective. Click here to read how to choose the right course for you.


10 Best Colleges in Cambridge University

Use our guide to the 10 best colleges at the University of Cambridge to help you decide which to apply for; click here to learn more.


Cambridge vs Oxford: Which University Should I Choose?

So how do you choose when it comes to Oxford vs Cambridge? Here are some factors you'll want to consider as you make your choice.


How to Choose a University

This guide to choosing a university is based on our knowledge and experience, and can help you make the best possible choices. Click here to read.


How to Spread Kindness in University

January 25, 2024

Kindness is vital within university settings; fostering a culture of kindness can transform a university community into a nurturing & positive space for all.


What to Do After University? Exploring Industries and Job Prospects

January 25, 2024

Click to read - various industries & job prospects that await you after completing university, highlighting relevant growth opportunities! Learn here.


How many colleges in Cambridge University?

Cambridge University, since its inception, has been a focal point of global education. Integral to its identity are its 31 unique colleges, which play a significant role in a student's academic journey and life. Each college, rich in history and culture, provides students with a sense of community, academic support, and a range of facilities. The university handles curriculum, examinations, and degree awarding, while colleges are the heart of student interaction, learning, and experiences. For prospective students, understanding this unique collegiate system, ranking tables like the Tompkins Table, and exploring opportunities such as Summer Schools can be invaluable in shaping their future academic path.


Top 7 Reasons To Study Engineering

There are many reasons to study engineering in the UK - read the top 7 reasons why you should study engineering here.


Top 8 Reasons You Should Study Psychology

Are you interested in the human mind and how it affects individuals and society as a whole? If you are, then you need to study psychology at university.


Why you should study Art History

Studying art history allows deep appreciation and understanding of different art forms, styles, and techniques. Find out why you should study art history here.


Why Study Business Management?

Are you considering a career in business management, but wondering why it's worth pursuing? Read this blog to find out..


How to Become an Actor

An easy to follow guide to launching your acting career. For all the knowledge and insights you could need to embark on a rewarding career in acting.


21 Reasons Why You Should Study English

We offer great opportunities for studying English, at many of the leading universities in the world. Take a moment to explore what’s available today.


21 Reasons Why You Should Study Medicine

We offer some great opportunities for studying medicine, at some of the leading universities in the world. Take a moment to explore what’s available today.


How to find the best universities for computer science in the UK

Click here for our guide to finding the best universities for computer science in the UK, designed to help you decide how and where to study computer science.


How to become a doctor in the UK

If you're interested in a career in medicine, our guide about how to become a doctor in the UK will help you understand the path to follow. Click here to read.


How to Become a Lawyer in the UK

Becoming a lawyer in the UK involves many decisions; learn how to become a lawyer here. Click to read & learn why you should study law at degree level.


Top 5 reasons why to study economics

Your knowledge of the concepts and relationships behind economics can make all the difference to your future success. An economics course can equip you with transferable skills you can put to work in a wide range of future roles.


Best Summer Schools in London

Top Summer Schools in London: Discover the summer schools in and near London offering world-class learning and popular with thousands of students.


Top Tips for Students Starting University

In this guide, we share tips & advice specifically tailored to students starting university. Let's dive in & make the most of this incredible adventure!


10 Things to Do Before Starting University

Click to read this article, where we guide you through 10 crucial things to do before starting university, ensuring you begin your journey on the right foot.


When should you apply to a summer school?

Apply to your next summer school as early as possible and on time, to increase your chances of getting accepted and to have a variety of options. Let's get started!


Discover the benefits of a summer school for learning English.

Practice your language skills while making friends from diverse backgrounds. Discover the benefits of a summer course in the English language.


A day in the life of a summer school student

Prepare for your next summer school experience by reading about Marco's daily routine and experience at Cambridge University this summer.


Best educational summer schools in the UK!

Are you looking for the perfect educational summer school experience in the UK that offers a combination of exciting exploration and valuable learning?


Can you go to a summer school after graduating? 

Summer school is often associated with catching up on missed courses, learning new subjects before going on to study them further, or boosting grades during the summertime. But what happens when you’ve graduated from school and you’re no longer a student?


How to apply for a summer school: a step-by-step guide

If you are thinking of attending summer school for a rewarding educational experience, but are unsure of how to go about submitting your application, keep reading - we have all the answers here.


How much does it cost to go to a summer school in the UK?

If you are considering attending a summer school in the UK but unsure about the cost, look no further. Read this blog to learn more about how much summer schools and courses usually cost.


What happens if you fail summer school in the UK?

Is it possible to fail summer school in the UK? This is why it's important to stay focused and motivated throughout summer studies. Read more.


Summer Boarding Schools in the UK

UK summer boarding schools - where fun, education & adventure come together for an unforgettable experience. Read all about them here!


The Benefits of a Summer School

This article explores the significance of what summer learning programs provide to schools, highlighting the advantages they offer. Keep reading to learn more!


Why go to a summer school?

Summer schools are educational programs that provide a unique and enriching experience for students during their summer break. Learn more here.


How to Choose a Summer School

Choosing a summer school is making an investment in your future. Not sure how to choose a summer school that’s right for you? Read this guide.


Which Country Has the Smartest Students?

Is it possible to find out which country has the smartest students? That’s the question we challenged ourselves to answer - click here for the results!


The Best Subjects to Study in Summer School

A large number of the UK’s top universities offer Summer Schools, each of which gives you a taste of studying a particular subject at a specific institution.


Keeping Track of Your Emotions While In University

February 29, 2024

By keeping track of your emotions while in university you cultivate resilience, enhance your focus, & nurture positive relationships. Click to learn more.


Life After Graduation: What to Expect Once You Have Completed Your Degree

February 7, 2024

Life after uni can be daunting, but an exhilarating challenge. Click to read this informative blog to learn what to expect once you've completed your degree.


Positive Affirmations for University Students: Boosting Mental Health and Academic Success

Click to read our guide on the transformative power of positive affirmations, what they are and how to create and implement them; for university students.


Managing Relationships While at University: Balancing Challenges and Benefits

As a university student it is vital to recognise the importance of managing relationships in the university experience, personal growth, & future opportunities.


How to Shift Your Perspective as a Student

Click to learn how shifting your perspective is essential; as you can embrace a new way of learning, unlocking your full potential & paving the way for success.

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