Jul - Aug
starting session
average fees
3 weeks
average duration
no. of providers
Focus on Social Science
Taking a social science summer school course allows you to combine your passion for improving the world with the latest knowledge and insights. By attending a course at one of the top universities, you’ll be mixing with like-minded students wanting to use their career to make a real difference.

Study at a World-Class University
Our social science summer school courses are held in some of the most prestigious schools of learning on the planet. You’ll be taught by some of the best tutors in their field. You’ll also be spending time with highly motivated fellow students, many of whom may become future leaders and experts.
Careers that your studies may lead to include:

Business Management

International development



International Relations
Find the Right Social Science Course for You
Studying social science explores how people influence, and are influenced by:




Environmental Science

Sociology and Anthropology
And more. Studying any of these subjects will help you make a difference to the world moving forward.

Boost Your Career by Studying Social Science
The world’s top universities are swamped with applications from well-qualified students, keen to get into the most prestigious institutions. By attending a summer school course you’re strengthening your chances of submitting a winning application.
The experience of the course will help you:

Improve your critical thinking skills

Lift your self-confidence

Sharpen your group and independent studying capabilities
Explore top courses

International Development course (16-17 yrs) at Oxford Summer Courses in Oxford
Explore major world issues, sharpen your critical thinking and discover career pathways. International development summer course in Oxford for 16-17 year olds.
International Relations course (24 yrs) at Immerse Education in Sydney
You will analyse structure & function of an international actor within the context of the International Relations theory that you have studied over the program.

International Relations Course (13-15 yrs) at Oxford Summer Courses in Oxford
Learn about International Relations and Politics at this Summer School in Oxford for students aged 13-15 yrs. Tutorial-style teaching with full social program.
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Our mission is to help connect curious students with world class summer school programmes.