Jul - Aug
starting session
average fees
3 weeks
average duration
no. of providers
Focus on Law
Attending a law summer school course is a great opener for many career paths. Through the teaching and coaching of top tutors and professionals, you’ll gain a firm foundation in the fundamentals of legal thinking and practice. It’s also a great way to make friends with like-minded fellow students.

Study Alongside the Best at Law Summer School
A law summer school course puts you into the same classes and tutorials as some of tomorrow’s top lawyers. Your fellow students have a shared passion to make the law a foundation for their career. As you learn together from expert tutors you’ll be forming friendships and bonds that may last a lifetime.
Study at One of the World’s Top Law Schools
You’ll be studying in the same halls and under the same tutors as some of today’s leading legal minds. These law summer schools are held in the most respected universities in the world, which are home to teachers of the highest calibre.
Having these names and this experience on your future applications for university and jobs will help you stand out from the crowd, whatever direction you choose to take your career.

Get Out to Explore the History and Culture of Law
There’s more to a law summer school than classrooms and pages of study. You’ll also get out and about to visit locations strongly associated with the development and practice of law. These can include:

Some of the world’s most well-known law courts

Offices of leading law firms

Museums and libraries with rich collections of legal heritage material
Visit the Historic Sites of London
Incredible sites steeped in UK law and history await. During your stay you could visit:

The Old Bailey, London (the central court of England and Wales).

The Inns of Court, London (All barristers must belong to one of these courts).

Visit the British Library to see the Magna Carta (the first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law).

Explore top courses

Law course (13-15 yrs) at Oxford Summer Courses in Oxford
Join the law 2-week summer programme in Oxford for ages 13-15. Seminars, group learning and tutorials from experts. Cultural visits and time to make friends.

Law course (14-18 yrs) at Reach Cambridge in Cambridge
Join a stimulating Law Summer School in Cambridge, for ages 14-18. A 2-week programme explores law and teaches valuable life skills. Includes cultural visits.

Law Academy course (15-18 yrs) at Oxford Scholastica Academy in Oxford
Immerse yourself in the world of law in a 2-week summer school in Oxford. University-style teaching from leading tutors. Practical knowledge and legal skills.
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