4th in the world for graduate employability
41st in the world for 2023 university rankings
150+ leading research centres
#1 in Australia for Medicine, Arts & Humanities
Study in a different country and make new friends
Enjoy an academically challenging yet rewarding course in Australia amongst a vibrant community of students. Students from all over the world enroll each year to the Sydney Summer Schools to experience college life abroad.
Meet new people, make lifelong friends and create memorable experiences with a study abroad scheme.

Experience an academic summer course at the University of Sydney
This summer course will be taught by professors from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, giving you the opportunity to learn from experienced people in the field. Classes are taught in small groups, giving all students the opportunity to learn and share ideas guided by experts. Study at Sydney Summer Schools and gain important life skills that will strengthen your future college applications and your education on a subject of interest.
Create wonderful memories in a new country this summer.
You will experience the Australian summer after schooling hours. Fun activities and cultural excursions will broaden your horizons exponentially. Discover the history behind Sydney and visit must-see sights. Immerse yourself in the Australian culture by studying abroad.
Be Taught in the Sydney Style
Browse through various summer courses that will bring you closer to your future career. Gain the skills you’ll need for a successful future, in a world-class academic summer course.